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Collaborative Shellfish Culture for Communities & Other Groups

Course Description

An introduction to the basic biological principles, methods, and theories associated with planning a shellfish aquaculture venture. Topics include marine environment, shellfish biology and anatomy, types of aquaculture systems, husbandry and harvesting, site selection and production potential, food safety and water quality, business planning, an overview of industry and environmental management codes of practice.


The program provides an introduction to the methods and principles of shellfish aquaculture. It provides the essentials for anyone interested in establishing a shellfish enterprise. This program will provide the basic information to plan and implement shellfish aquaculture projects or businesses. The program will cover shellfish farm products and culture techniques, shellfish biology, environmental management, site selection and assessment, food safety issues, and enterprise planning.

The student will develop foundational knowledge and skills in:

  • Issues and planning processes for shellfish projects
  • Planning and managing aquaculture business projects
  • Current market trends
  • Biological and ecological principles of shellfish aquaculture
  • Shellfish culture methods and techniques
  • Principles of site selection, and
  • Role and importance of Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program and food safety principles in shellfish culture


Class:  days; Field:  days

Upcoming Deliveries and Registration Information

See our program schedule for a list of all upcoming NREP course deliveries. If this course is not currently noted in the schedule, please contact to enquire about future opportunities. Prior to registering for any NREP course, please review the program's registration guidelines, including important refund policy information.