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Shellfish Aquaculture Workplace Safety & Skills

Course Description

An introduction to knowledge and skills required to work safely and reduce risk of injury in the shellfish industry. Topics include: fundamental safety information in the context of a workplace Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management Plan; hazards and risks; ergonomics; protective equipment; on-farm mechanical safety; knot-tying and bear awareness.


Upon successful completion of this two-day course, the participant will be able to:

  • Address and reduce or eliminate the workplace hazards commonly found in the BC shellfish farming industry
  • Obtain fundamental safety information relevant to the shellfish industry within the perspective of a workplace Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management Plan.

Upcoming Deliveries and Registration Information

See our program schedule for a list of all upcoming NREP course deliveries. If this course is not currently noted in the schedule, please contact to enquire about future opportunities. Prior to registering for any NREP course, please review the program's registration guidelines, including important refund policy information.