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Riparian Areas Protection Regulation


NREN 015 Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (course overview description)
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 to Friday, November 15, 2024
9am - 4pm
Online /North Vancouver BC
Additional Information

PLEASE NOTE: All Students will be waitlisted until FSG Funding is approved, then you will be moved to the class list. If you plan on paying directly please call registration at: Toll Free 1.866.734.6252


Under the Riparian Areas Protection Regulation, QEP's are required to provide their professional opinions and conduct assessments of development proposals in riparian areas. This course will assist participants in understanding riparian area assessment methods, roles and responsibilities related to RAPR implementation, and reporting procedures.

Riparian Areas Protection Regulation Program Completion Disclaimer

The Riparian Areas Protection Regulation course provides training related to reporting procedures, field assessment, and electronic submission requirements that meet the training objectives (Part 20(b)) required for the submission process to the Ministry of Water, Land & Resource Stewardship.

As a registrant of the course, you understand that this VIU program may provide certification, but this is only one of the requirements to be a primary QEP under the regulation. If you do not have the appropriate experience/skills required as noted in the regulation to identify and assess potential fish habitat in BC, then you may not be considered a QEP under the regulation.

A primary QEP must meet Parts 20 and 21 of the Regulation. This course is not intended to provide instruction on how to become a QEP in your chosen field of expertise.

If you do not meet the requirements of a primary QEP please seek out mentorship in your professional organization or professional association, and/or there are many courses that will help you build your skillset. Please check the sNREP schedule or contact if you have any questions.


Day 1 and 2: Online/Remote

9 am Zoom meeting each morning followed by online module work composed of readings, micro-lectures and exercises. Participants should plan to work on course until approximately 4pm each day.

Day 3: On-site field practice

Field-based exercises in the morning, followed by a field exam in the afternoon. Participants should bring lunch and expect to be in the field until approximately 4pm. Specific location in North Vancouver will be confirmed during the Zoom session on day 1.

Day 4: Online/Remote

9 am Zoom meeting followed by an online written exam. Participants can expect to finish course work around mid-day.

You Supply

Students are responsible for supplying their own personal equipment for the field-day, as outlined below. 


  • chest waders
  • foul weather gear
  • pen, pencil, paper, clipboard, ruler, calculator

Recommended (please bring your own, if you have it):

  • field vest
  • clinometer
  • rotary measuring tape
  • compass
  • foldable ruler

All other supplies and field equipment will be provided for you, including course manuals.

Prior to registering for any NREP course, please review the program's registration guidelines, including important refund policy information. 

Register for this course