"I graduated from the RMOT Diploma Program and headed east to Manitoba for four years to work with Conservation. I started as a Park Patrol Officer (PPO) for 2 years then was promoted to an Assistant Resource Officer (ARO) for another 2 years. PPO’s only work for about 4-5 months, so I moved to Northern BC and worked with a forestry consultant company for the winter. I was responsible for laying out cut blocks and roads. My crew would hike for miles into bush with only a compass and an aerial photo, as the sun was barely on the horizon! The country was beautiful and wildlife experiences were amazing!"
"Working for Conservation in Manitoba was phenomenal due to the diversity of the job. No other conservation service in Canada covers so many roles: parks, fisheries, forestry, fire fighting, habitat, hunting, etc. I thought I was in heaven as my lifestyle was my work. I never thought I would get paid to hike, quad, fly, boat and play so much out in the backcountry. Conservation Officers are in a class all of their own. Never have I met or spent so much time with people who were so laid back and fun loving."
"In 2007, I went off to train in Regina with the RCMP. After 6 months of unrelenting sweat and tears, I graduated and took my first posting north of Edmonton, AB. The comradery within the RCMP is similar to that of Conservation, like your second family. I’ve lost the resources side of my work, but have found that many of the skills I learned as a Conservation Officer have carried over into my new career. My resources lifestyle has moved back into my time off away from work, but it’s still there.
Who knew where RMOT would take me!"
Deanna Hamilton, Cst.
Redwater RCMP Detachment, Redwater, AB