Students conducting fieldwork at Geol206 Earth Science Field School
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Sample Grid I Program Plan (EGBC Geology stream)

First Year Second Year Third and Fourth Year
FallOption 1Option 2Option 1Option 2
Geol 111 Geol 112Geol 200 Geol 300
Geol 115 Geog 211 Geog 328
Math 100Math 121Phys 121 Phys 111Geol 304
Chem 140 CSCI 159Geol 305
Geog 212Geog 221Geog 376
  Geog 372
   Engl 204
    Geol 302
 Option 1 Option 2 Option 1 Option 2Geol 303 or Geol 491 or Chem 212 or Chem 301
SpringMath 101Math 122Geol 201 Geol 307
Chem 142Chem 141Geol 202 Geol 308
Geog 101 Geol 206 Geog 326
Geol 112 Geol 111Geol 228 Geog 374
Engl 115 Biol 123 Geog 312
 Phys 122 Phys 112
SummerMath 121Math 122Geog 101Engl 115Engl 125