two students by tree in hard hats and vests
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Safety Policies

Our safety policy is designed to promote a safe and healthy working environment for students and to encourage good habits for future careers. Everyone is responsible for following the policy.

Instructor's Role

Assess student activities and ensure safe working practices. Instruct students in safe working practices and enforce theses practices.

Student's Role

Students are ultimately responsible for their own health and safety and that of their fellow classmates (workers). These responsibilities include:

  • learning and following safe work procedures
  • being alert to hazards
  • reporting hazards to instructor and classmates
  • using and wearing protective clothing and equipment
  • completing the Occupational First Aid Level 1 course with Transportation Endorsement
  • following our zero tolerance drug and alcohol policy
  • refusing to do work that would create a hazard to health and safety of themselves or any other person
  • reporting hazardous conditions to the instructor and/or fellow students

Basic Safe Work Procedures

On the way to job site

  • Wear seat belts - this includes "off paved roads" (i.e. industrial roads)
  • Obey all road signs, drive in a safe and defensive manner
  • Park vehicle facing home (hospital), allowing adequate room for other vehicles to pass by

In the woods

  • Approved hardhat worn properly
  • Caulk boots on
  • Hi-vis cruisers vest on with whistle attached
  • Carry a approved First-aid kit at all times
  • Work in pairs
  • Wear appropriate dress for weather conditions – snow, rain or cold can result in hypothermia
  • Students who are allergic to bee stings should carry an "Anakit" or "Epipen" at all times

Know your location

  • Know how to get to/from work site (i.e. from VIU to the designated parking area of the work site)
  • Know your location in the woods at all times and how to return to the vehicle

Check in/out procedures for field work

  • sign-in on the worksheet provided (give name, vehicle plate, partners, location)
  • before leaving the site check with Instructor and check-out on the worksheet
  • Always ensure your Instructor knows your location
  • Do not go in the field without first notifying your instructor and never leave the woods without properly checking out
  • Always work with a partner. Working alone is not permissible.
  • If you intend to work "after hours" (after class or on weekends), be sure to create a check-in/ check-out procedure with family/classmates. Provide them with a clear map of where you will be working and the agreed return time

Useful Links