Photograph of a chemistry instructor in the chemistry lab. Links to Chemistry faculty bios at
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Computer Science Diploma

  • Program Length
    2 Years
  • Credential
  • Location Offered

Program Overview

This program is designed to prepare students for a career as a computer programmer/programmer analyst. The program emphasizes programming skills, program design techniques as well as database and systems analysis skills. The program includes electives, and recommends students take business courses that will be of use in the computing industry. The program is designed in accordance with the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) accreditation standards.

Students who complete the diploma program will be able to complete VIU’s Bachelor of Science, Major in Computer Science with an additional two years of full-time study.



Notes on Admission

  • Applicants lacking admission requirements may take upgrading courses. Please check with an Advisor for details.
  • Students may complete some of the courses before enrolling in the diploma program.
  • Enrolment in this program is limited. Students who meet or exceed the minimum admission requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the program.

Students are required to complete all of the courses listed in all three tables, but the courses in the third table can be completed at any time. Normally, students complete two of these courses in First Year, and the other three in the following year.

Year 1Credits
CSCI 112 - (Applications Programming)3
CSCI 115 - (Web Page Techniques)3
CSCI 159 - (Computer Science I)4
CSCI 161 - (Computer Science II)4
CSCI 162 - (Topics in Computer Science)3
CSCI 251 - (Systems and Networks)3
MATH 121 - (Calculus I)4
MATH 123 - (Logic and Foundations)3
Additional required courses (see below)6
Total Credits33
Year 2Credits
CSCI 260 - (Data Structures)4
CSCI 265 - (Software Engineering)3
CSCI 310 - (Intro to Human-Computer Interaction)3
CSCI 311 - (Web Programming) or
CSCI 375 - (Intro to Systems Analysis)
CSCI 331 - (Object Oriented Programming)3
CSCI 370 - (Database Systems)3
CSCI 400 - (Computers and Society)3
Additional required courses (see below)9
Total Credits31-32
Additional Required CoursesCredits
In addition to the above courses, students must complete the following courses. The courses can be completed at any time, but must be completed before the diploma is awarded.
ENGL 115 - (University Writing and Research)3
ENGL 204 - (Business and Technical Writing)3
Computer Science Elective (200-level or above)*3



* Students intending on continuing into the B.Sc. Major in Computer Science should take CSCI 261 - (Computer Architecture & Assembly Language)

** Recommended electives include ACCT 100 - (Financial Accounting I), MGMT 192 - (Principles of Management), MGMT 292 - (Organizational Behaviour)


Many career opportunities are currently available in Computer Science. The provincial and federal governments predict a continuing shortage of trained computing professionals. For more details about expected trends in computing work, please visit the WorkBC website.




Domestic Fees | International Fees

Domestic Fees

Tuition and Other Mandatory Student Fees

When applying to the program, applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee.

When applying to graduate, students will be charged a non-refundable graduation and alumni fee.

Some courses have additional fees to pay for extraordinary class–related expenses.

Fees for One Year Amount
Tuition (30 credits x $166.40 per credit) 4,992.00
Student Activity fee (8 months x $19.97 per month) 159.76
Student Services fee (8 months x $22.05 per month) 176.40
VIU Students' Union fee (8 months x $27.60 per month) 220.80
Health and Dental Plan fee ($285.00 per year) 285.00
Approximate yearly cost for books and supplies (Note: Books and supply costs vary depending on course load and course type) 1,300.00

* The above table is an example of fees for 30 credits. Students taking more than, or less than, 30 credits should adjust the fee totals accordingly.

Science and Technology courses with a compulsory lab have a lab fee of $23.90 per course.

All fees are subject to change without prior notice and are expected to increase by 2% each year on April 1.

International Fees

Tuition and Other Mandatory Student Fees

When applying to the program, applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee.

When applying to graduate, students will be charged a non-refundable graduation and alumni fee.

Some courses have additional fees to pay for extraordinary class–related expenses.

Fees for One Year Amount
Tuition (30 credits x $799.77 per credit) 23,993.10
Student Activity fee (8 months x $19.97 per month) 159.76
Student Services fee (8 months x $22.05 per month) 176.40
VIU Students' Union fee (8 months x $27.60 per month) 220.80
Health and Dental Plan fee ($285.00 per year) 285.00
Approximate yearly cost for books and supplies (Note: Books and supply costs vary depending on course load and course type) 1,300.00

* The above table is an example of fees for 30 credits. Students taking more than, or less than, 30 credits should adjust the fee totals accordingly.

Science and Technology courses with a compulsory lab have a lab fee of $23.90 per course.

All fees are subject to change without prior notice and are expected to increase by 2% each year on April 1.

Domestic (Canadian)

Program Start Date Accepting Applications Campus


Program Start Date Accepting Applications Campus