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News & Events

Upcoming Events

Fisheries & Aquaculture in the News

Enhancing Food Sovereignty with Indigenous Communities: VIU and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency collaborate on marine food safety.

Breeding Oysters to Combat Ocean Acidification: Dr. Tim Green collaborates with Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Pacific Salmon Foundation Scholarship winners from VIU Fisheries & Aquaculture!

Why is BC developing new strains of Shellfish?: Dr. Tim Green joins the Future of Work Series on Global News BC.

Creating the World's Best Oyster: Dr. Timothy Green speaks about his work at Deep Bay Marine Field Station.

Growing Knowledge in VIU's Aquaponics Greenhouse.

VIU partners with brewery to raise awareness of climate change research.

Detecting and Managing Bacterial Infections in Salmon - Dr. Spencer Russell is working to understand and manage bacterial infections in salmon with the help of NSERC and Mitacs grants.

Recent Events

Fisheries Feast 2023

Centre for Seafood Innovation Urchin Tank EventA "Dragon's Den" style even where student teams promote their fermented seaweed products to industry judges. 

Date: November 23, 2023

Seafood Business Accelerator: The seafood business accelerator (SBA) is a newly launched BC-based program to help local small-scale fishers and farmers develop more sustainable, profitable seafood businesses.
