Beach seine
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Dax Bourke - Attended RMOT 2011 to 2013

"After graduating from the RMOT in April 2013, I worked as a Park Ranger for Metro Vancouver Regional Parks.Dax Bourke

The following year I was hired full time as a Natural Resource Officer with the BC Oil and Gas Commission in Fort St John. In the position I looked at various oil and gas applications and reviewed the impacts on the land, fish, wildlife, waters, etc. and either approved, denied, issued permits, or sought out more information on the application.

Shortly after starting with the OGC I applied for an internal position as Oil and Gas Operations Officer in the Compliance and Enforcement division, and was the successful applicant. As an Operations Officer I inspect all aspects of oil and gas activities from site development, drilling, production, reclamation, and remediation to ensure that industry is following the legislation that is in place. Operations Officers also respond to public complaints and emergencies as well as monitor oil and gas activities for environmental impact.

Working as an Operations Officer is proving to be a rewarding career choice where I am constantly learning and constantly being challenged. I credit my successful employment in a field I am passionate about to the RMOT program, the instructors, and the diverse set of skills that I learned."

Dax Bourke

Oil and Gas Operations Officer
BC Oil and Gas Commission
Compliance and Enforcement Division