Photograph of a chemistry instructor in the chemistry lab. Links to Chemistry faculty bios at
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Degree Advisors - Students who are completing the first year of programs and are intending to complete degrees at VIU should speak to a degree advisor.

Diploma Advisors - Students who are interested in the two-year technology programs should contact the Chair or Program Advisor of the department.

The Advising Centre provides advice regarding many aspects of student life, including help with course registration, education planning, study tips, switching programs, dropping courses and much more.

Math Learning Centre provides a venue for students to drop in and get help from student-tutors; the centre is located in building 460 - room 303.

Computer Science Help Centre located in building 315 - computer lab 102 (schedule posted on door).

The Writing Centre is a free service that provides help for a range of writing assistance needs. Tutors are Faculty from various disciplines. The centre is located on the top floor of the library - room 474.

Career Planning: How to become a ...

***Note the information provided here is for planning purposes only.  Changes happen yearly and the site information is reviewed each August.  However it is important to follow up with the links specific to the medical program and the contact information provided on those pages.***

The UBC MD Undergraduate program is the only medical program in BC, although it is distributed among four geographically distinct sites including the Island Medical Program (IMP), Northern Medical Program (NMP), Vancouver Fraser Medical Program (VFMP), and the Southern Medical Program (SMP). The MD program website provides a lot of details about the program, admission requirements, selection process, evaluation criteria, etc. 

Most VIU students who apply to the MD program complete the BSc with Major/minor combinations of Biology/Chemistry/Psychology. There are no specific prerequisite requirements for the UBC MD program, although courses included in those three programs dovetail well with the requirements for the MCAT and many are recommended. Also, some other medical schools in Canada require prerequisites which are covered in the VIU BSc Majors in Biology and Chemistry.

Each year, there are 288 spots for incoming students, they receive >2,000 applications, and they invite 650-700 applicants for interviews. Therefore, it’s a very competitive program which requires that applicant exceed the minimum admission requirements with average grades of at least A- (80%), a strong MCAT, and strong non-academic background. UBC provides detailed admission statistics of all application cycles.

The MD program website also includes answers to Frequently Asked Questions which are quite helpful.

The Medical Colleges Admission Test (MCAT) was updated in 2015 and covers four areas:

  • Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems
  • Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems
  • Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior
  • Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skill

Strongly recommended Courses

VIU courses


BIOL 121 and 123

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in either Biology 11 or Biology 12, and two of the following: Principles of Mathematics 11 or Pre-calculus 11, Physics 11, or Chemistry 11. Chemistry 12 recommended.

CHEM 140 and 141 or 142

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in either Chemistry 11 or Chemistry 12, or equivalent, and min. "C+" in one of Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 152. Chemistry 12 and Pre-Calculus 12 are recommended.

CHEM 231

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in either CHEM 141 or CHEM 142.

CHEM 232

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in CHEM 231.

BIOL 201 and BIOL 342

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in either CHEM 141 or CHEM 142; min. "C-" in CHEM 231 (may be taken concurrently). BIOL 123 is recommended. NOTE CHEM 231 MUST be taken currently for transfer to UBC.

Note, BC students can also apply to other medical schools in other provinces as out-of-province students, for which there are less seats available.  One example where our graduates have been successful is the University of Calgary medical program.

***Note the information provided here is for planning purposes only.  Changes happen yearly and the site information is reviewed each August.  However it is important to follow up with the links specific to the program and the information provided on those pages.***

British Columbia's Dental School (Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree) is offered through the University of British Columbia. 

To be eligible for admission, candidates must complete at least three full years of post-secondary study), including the necessary prerequisite courses, and have:

  • a minimum overall average of 70% on all university-transferrable coursework except courses taken in the year of application to the program, and
  • submit a Personal Statement detailing why you want to be a Dentist.
  • write the Canadian Dental Association Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) prior to the published deadline (DAT scores will be used when evaluating admissibility and are valid for a period of five years).

Required prerequisite courses for Dentistry

Typically, BSc Majors in Biology and Chemistry will naturally have you taking the required courses for most health related professional programs, such as Dentistry.

VIU courses


ENGL 115

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or equivalent.

ENGL 125 

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or equivalent.

BIOL 121 & 123 

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in either Biology 11 or Biology 12, and two of the following: Principles of Mathematics 11 or Pre-calculus 11, Physics 11, or Chemistry 11. Chemistry 12 recommended.

CHEM 140 & 141 or 142

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in either Chemistry 11 or Chemistry 12, or equivalent, and min. "C+" in one of Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 152. Chemistry 12 and Pre-Calculus 12 are recommended.

CHEM 231

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in either CHEM 141 or CHEM 142.

CHEM 232

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in CHEM 231.

BIOL 201 & BIOL 342

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in either CHEM 141 or CHEM 142; min. "C-" in CHEM 231 (may be taken concurrently). BIOL 123 is recommended. NOTE CHEM 231 MUST be taken currently for transfer to UBC.


***Note the information provided here is for planning purposes only.  Changes happen yearly and the site information is reviewed each August.  However it is important to follow up with the links specific to the program and the information provided on those pages.***

All pharmacists in Canada are required to have a PharmD Degree.  In British Columbia, the 'Entry-to-Practice PharmD' program is hosted at the University of British Columbia.

Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, candidates must complete at least two full years of post-secondary study including the necessary prerequisite courses within the last 10 years, and have:

  • a minimum overall average of 70% (2.8/4.0 on the UBC scale) on the last 30 credits completed.

Required prerequisite courses

Typically, BSc Majors in Biology and Chemistry will naturally have you taking the required courses for most health related professional programs, such as Pharmacy.

VIU year one


ENGL 115

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or equivalent.

ENGL 125 (or higher, but not ENGL 204)

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in English 12 or equivalent.

BIOL 121 and 123

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in either Biology 11 or Biology 12, and two of the following: Principles of Mathematics 11 or Pre-calculus 11, Physics 11, or Chemistry 11. Chemistry 12 recommended.

CHEM 140 and 141 or 142

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in either Chemistry 11 or Chemistry 12, or equivalent, and min. "C+" in one of Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 152. Chemistry 12 and Pre-Calculus 12 are recommended.

MATH 100 or 121

Prerequisite: Minimum "B" in Principles of Mathematics 12 or Pre-calculus 12; or minimum "B-" in both Principles of Mathematics 12 and Calculus 12; or minimum "B-" in both Pre-calculus 12 and Calculus 12.

MATH 101 or 122

Prerequisite: Min. "C" in MATH 100. Prerequisite: Min. "C" in MATH 121 or min. "C-" in MATH 100.


Remaining requirements


BIOL 200

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in each of BIOL 201 and CHEM 231.

CHEM 231

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in either CHEM 141 or CHEM 142.

CHEM 232

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in CHEM 231.

BIOL 210

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in each of BIOL 121 and BIOL 123; and min. "C-" in each of BIOL 201 and CHEM 231 (BIOL 201 and CHEM 231 may be taken concurrently).

BIOL 201

Prerequisite: Min. "C-" in either CHEM 141 or CHEM 142; min. "C-" in CHEM 231 (may be taken concurrently). BIOL 123 is recommended.

MATH 211 or MATH 203

Prerequisite: One of Pre-calculus 12, Foundations of Mathematics 12, MATH 151, or MATH 181.

Electives (Note)

Electives must include 6 credits from the Faculties of Arts &Humanities or Social Sciences and sufficient coursework to bring overall total to at least 60 credits.