SCIE 350 Course: Technologies for the Developing World
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SCIE 350 - Technologies for the Developing World

About the course 

This course will consider specific examples where science and technology have been applied and adapted to assist the developing world. Topics will be chosen from the areas of renewable energy and appropriate technology as well as a wide range of subjects presented by guest lecturers. The course is especially suitable for those students who wish to be involved in international development either as a career or as a volunteer. No science background is required, just an interest in international development and the types of projects that are being carried out. 

One half of the course will be set aside for lectures and problem sets, primarily on topics in the areas of energy, solar power, electricity, and water delivery. In addition talks on a wide range of topics dealing with international development will be delivered by guest speakers.

The other half of the course will involve labs introducing students to the science behind the various technologies. In addition, students will build a solar cooker, a solar lighting system and a rope-and-washer water pump.

  1. To gain an understanding of the basic science and technology behind some of the projects being carried out in the developing world.

  2. To gain an understanding of some of the challenges and solutions with respect to these development projects.

  3. To gain hands-on experience with several appropriate technologies.

Instructor: Ray Penner, Room 210c, Bldg. 315

Office hours:   Mon. and Wed., 12 - 2pm

Prerequisite:   Third-year standing or permission of instructor

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