Students making observations of slope stability during a GEOL312 field trip
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Learning Outcomes Year 1

Upon completion of First Year Earth Science a student should:

GEOL Courses Covered


Distinguish between geologic data and interpretations

111, 112, 115

Explain earth processes in the context of plate tectonics, earth’s systems and the rock cycle

111, 112

Explain geologic environments in which rocks and other geologic materials are formed

111, 112, 115

Determine the relative age of geologic materials by applying the stratigraphic principles

112, 115

Explain events in geologic history using geologic evidence, and in the context of the geologic timescale


Explain the fundamentals of major concepts in earth science, including: surface and groundwater (111), volcanic and earthquake hazards (111), glaciers (112), ice ages (112) and climate changes (112), mineral and hydrocarbon resources (111)

111, 112

Begin to use appropriate earth science terminology

111, 112, 115


Test rock and mineral physical properties using geologists tools, including a copper needle, steel needle, streak plate, glass plate, hand lens, and a dissecting microscope

111, 115

Identify at least 10 common types of minerals, and 10 common types of rocks, by recognizing their diagnostic physical properties

111, 115

Identify at least 3 types of geologic structures in the field

112, 115

Use a compass to measure strike and dip of planar geologic structures

112, 115

Safely use a rock hammer to take a sample


Read geologic information from a geologic map, and interpret the information to draw a geologic cross-section

(111), 112, 115

Explain geologic concepts to instructor and peers, and listen to the explanations of others, during group work and/or group exams

111, 112, 115

Generate simple interpretations of observations with the local geological context


Observe geologic features in the field, then follow a template to write clear and tidy field notes


Create simple sketches to summarize geologic ideas or information

112, 115

Write a short geological report or essay that includes a clear sense of purpose, and presents ideas in a logical structure (i.e. introduction-development-conclusions, data separated from interpretations)

112, 115

Cite sources in their writing



Appreciate the interconnectedness of the earth’s systems

111, 112

Demonstrate a desire to learn more by asking good questions


Collaborate with peers on group projects, group exams, and activities, both in-class and in the field

111, 112, 115

Begin to develop time-management strategies

111, 112, 115