Beach seine
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Diploma in Resource Management Officer Technology

  • Program Length
    2 Years
  • Credential
  • Location Offered

Program Overview

This program is designed to prepare students for careers related to the protection and management of Canada’s fisheries, wildlife, and parks resources. The program is supported by an Advisory Committee made up of management and enforcement representatives from the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Provincial Ministry of Environment, BC Parks, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, and from resource user groups. Students are required to participate in a 2-week practicum at an off-campus location in the Fall semester of the second year. Students are also encouraged to seek employment with a resource management and protection agency, or in work related to natural resource enhancement or monitoring, in the summer between first and second year.

RMOT students are assisting various natural resource law enforcement agencies in monitoring illegal activities within the central Vancouver Island area. These patrols allow students first-hand experience in actual field and communication skills required to monitor and report illegal activities. All these activities are closely monitored with appropriate levels of training and coaching from both RMOT instructors and resource officers.

Note: Agencies accepting students on practica may require a criminal record check.

Recommendations for Admission

Notes on Admission

  • Good health is essential, as this program includes a standard of physical fitness.
  • Criminal record check may be required by agencies that employ graduates as natural resource officers.
  • Consideration will be given to mature students without grade 12 provided they have completed the minimum course requirements before applying.
  • During the program, students are required to complete Occupational Level I First Aid (or equivalent), in accordance with Worksafe BC requirements.
  • Enrolment in this program is limited. Students who meet or exceed the minimum admission requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the program.
Year 1Credits
RMOT 151 - (Small Motors)2
RMOT 192 - (Technical Report)3
RMOT 194 - (Resource Acts & Regulations I)3
RMOT 110 - (B.C. Fisheries)3
RMOT 111 - (Identification and Life History of British Columbia Fishes)3
RMOT 101 - (B.C. Wildlife)4
RMOT 102 - (Introduction to Parks and Protected Areas)4
RMOT 105 - (Field Skills)3
RMOT 175 - (Computer Applications for Natural Resource Technologists)1

Select one of the following:

  • Complete all of:
  • Complete all of:
ENGL 115 - (University Writing and Research)3
MATH 181 - (Intro to Statistics I)4
Total Credits37
Year 2Credits
RMOT 206 - (Habitat Management)3
RMOT 251 - (Resource Management Seminars)2
RMOT 271 - (Field Practicum)2
RMOT 272 - (Fitness and Self Defense)2
RMOT 291 - (Enforcement Project Report I)3
RMOT 292 - (Enforcement Project Report II)3
RMOT 294 - (Legal and Investigative Procedures I)3
RMOT 295 - (Legal and Investigative Procedures II)3
RMOT 296 - (Court and Administrative Procedures)3
RMOT 297 - (Wildlife - Human Conflicts)3
RMOT 275 - (Wildlife Techniques)3
FRST 256 - (Introduction to Forest Resource Management)3
GEOG 228 - (Maps and Mapping)3
Total Credits36 

Graduates have found employment as:

  • Fishery Officers with the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
  • Conservation Officers with the BC Conservation Officer Service of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy.
  • Natural Resource Officers with the Compliance and Enforcement Branch of the Ministry of Forests.
  • Park Officers with both Provincial and Federal ministries.


Graduates also work in habitat assessment or monitoring positions, in resource consulting firms, or in fish or wildlife technician positions.

Resource Management Officer Technology diploma program graduates interested in further studies can apply to the Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection degree offered at Vancouver Island University. Please note however that students must achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.33 (“C+”) in the RMOT diploma program to be eligible to apply to the degree program.

Domestic Fees | International Fees

Domestic Fees

Tuition and Other Mandatory Student Fees

When applying to the program, applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee.

When applying to graduate, students will be charged a non-refundable graduation and alumni fee.

Some courses have additional fees to pay for extraordinary class–related expenses.

Fees - 36 credits Amount
Tuition (36 credits x $166.40 per credit) 5,990.40
Student Activity fee (8 months x $19.97 per month) 159.76
Student Services fee (8 months x $22.05 per month) 176.40
VIU Students' Union fee (8 months x $27.60 per month) 220.80
Health and Dental Plan fee ($285.00 per year) 285.00
Books and supplies per year
(approximate costs)
Rain gear, boots and waders
(approximate costs)
Field trips
(approximate costs)
Occupational Level I First Aid and Transportation Endorsement
(approximate costs)
Electrofishing course
(approximate costs)

Other important certificates that may be required are: Canadian Coast Guard Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC), Restricted Operator's Card for Marine VHF Radios, and Swiftwater Rescue (3-day course), for an approximate cost of $600.00.

The VIUSU Health and Dental Plan fee is assessed for all students enrolled in 6 credits or more per term, or in Trades/Vocational programs of 5 months or longer.  

Science and Technology courses with a compulsory lab have a lab fee of $23.90 per course.

All fees are subject to change without prior notice and are expected to increase by 2% each year on April 1.

International Fees

Tuition and Other Mandatory Student Fees

When applying to the program, applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee.

When applying to graduate, students will be charged a non-refundable graduation and alumni fee.

Some courses have additional fees to pay for extraordinary class–related expenses.

Fees - 36 credits Amount
Tuition (36 credits x $799.77 per credit) 28,791.72
Student Activity fee (8 months x $19.97 per month) 159.76
Student Services fee (8 months x $22.05 per month) 176.40
VIU Students' Union fee (8 months x $27.60 per month) 220.80
Health and Dental Plan fee ($285.00 per year) 285.00
Books and supplies per year
(approximate costs)
Rain gear, boots and waders
(approximate costs)
Field trips
(approximate costs)
Occupational Level I First Aid and Transportation Endorsement
(approximate costs)
Electrofishing course
(approximate costs)

Other important certificates that may be required are: Canadian Coast Guard Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC), Restricted Operator's Card for Marine VHF Radios, and Swiftwater Rescue (3-day course), for an approximate cost of $600.00.

The VIUSU Health and Dental Plan fee is assessed for all students enrolled in 6 credits or more per term, or in Trades/Vocational programs of 5 months or longer.  

Science and Technology courses with a compulsory lab have a lab fee of $23.90 per course.

All fees are subject to change without prior notice and are expected to increase by 2% each year on April 1.

Domestic (Canadian)

Program Start Date Accepting Applications Campus


Program Start Date Accepting Applications Campus