Photograph of a chemistry instructor in the chemistry lab. Links to Chemistry faculty bios at
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Biology Advising

BSc Degree Advisor

Dr Eric Demers

Building 459, Room 207
Phone: 250.753.3245 Ext. 2033

Students are encouraged to declare their educational goals (e.g., Honours, Majors, Minors) with the BSc Degree Advisor as early as possible in their degree progression. See BSc Degree Advising for more details.

The VIU BSc Major and Honours in Biology meet the academic requirements for professional designation as a Registered Professional Biologist (RPBio) with the BC College of Applied Biology (Stream 2 pathway). Students interested in RPBio designation must take one of the following courses as part of their degree:

  • BIOL 457 (Biodiversity and Conservation Biology)
  • FISH 223 (Introduction to Fisheries Management)
  • RMOT 400 (Fisheries Management)
  • RMOT 401 (Wildlife Management)