River and mountains photo
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Science and Technology Community Lecture Series

Wednesday, Feb 28 to Apr 3, 2024

Building 355, lecture theatre 203

5:30 - 7:00pm (lecture starts at 6:00)

The lecture series showcases world-class applied research being conducted by the faculty and students here at VIU

Feb 28

Dr. Andrew Loudon - VIU Department of Biology

Harnessing the Microbiome; From Microbial Community Structure to Function

March 6

Dr. Erik Krogh - VIU Department of Chemistry

Fate and Distribution of Tire Wear Salmon Toxins on Vancouver Island using High Throughput Direct Mass Spectrometry

'Tracking lethal tire toxins and their impacts on Pacific salmon health'


Chemistry PhD candidate Joseph Monaghan presents

Environmental Applications of membrane introduction mass spectrometry

March 13

Dr. Liz Gillis - VIU Department of Resource Management and Protection

Where did all the rabbits go? The short- and long-term impact of a novel disease, Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease, on the VIU rabbit population

March 20

Dr. Eric Demers - VIU Department of Biology

VIU Bird Banding Project


Nicole Williams - Biology

Influence of moonlight on the vocal activity of Western Screech-Owl

March 27

Dr. Gara Pruesse - VIU Department of Computer Science

Why Algorithms are as foundational as Physics (with a foray into recent research in Approximation Algorithms)


Ethan Posner, Computer Science

Bitcoin Tracing

April 3

Dr. Alexandra Weissfloch - VIU Department of Chemistry

Please don't let you kids play with Borax

'This seminar is supported by VIU Eco Club to improve safety and reduce the environmental impact on everyday household chemicals'