Beach seine
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Dan Vo - Attended RMOT 1992-1994

"I graduated from the RMOT Diploma Program in 1994 and was employed briefly by Department of Fisheries and Oceans as a Guardian for about a year in Campbell River. Though I wasn’t a full fledged FO, I was fortunate to get exposed to and understand many aspects of the native, commercial and recreational fisheries in the Gulf and the West coast of Vancouver Island. I had the opportunity to work and stay on board the James Sinclair, a well-known fishery patrol vessel that was soon decommissioned, and really experienced the true meaning of the word “sea-sick”.  In 1998, I was successful in a competition for a position with DFO as a federal Fishery Officer."

"During my time with DFO I worked in various areas of the province of BC…Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Prince Rupert and Steveston.  I have worked alongside many great officers and participated many high light patrols such as the clam fishery foot patrols in Nanaimo, the commercial vessel patrols along the North coast of BC, the recreational vessel patrol in Barkley sound, and the night vessel patrol for sturgeon poachers on the Fraser River. I have participated and successfully carried out many joint-operation projects with other agencies such as the RCMP, Municipal Police Forces, BC Conservation Services, Wildlife Division of Environment Canada. I have also been a Control Tactics Instructor for DFO since 2003."

"After 12 years with DFO, I decided to further challenge myself and deployed to Environment Canada to be a Federal Wildlife Officer. My learning curve has again begun to grow exponentially as it had years ago with DFO.  I understand more about the importance of preserving our resources, particularly in wildlife, not only in Canada but in all over the world. I have inspected many shipments into and out of Canada for illegal wildlife products, from marine mammal products of walrus tusks and whales baleens to exotic endangered species like elephant ivory, snake skins, bear paws, tiger parts … to exotic corals and orchids from Southeast Asia or exotic big leaf mahogany wood from South America. Everyday’s work is a new learning experience and the challenges that we’re facing really motivate me.  I gave the RMOT program a lot of credit for preparing me for this line of work, without it I wouldn’t be where I am today."

Dan Vo, Federal Wildlife Officer
Environment Canada